Hi! In the blog sphere, I like to call myself Ardna, I'm an 19 years old business student from Jakarta, Indonesia who loves food more than anything in her life.
I grew up watching cooking show and can't help but to admire how magical raw ingredients turn into something delicious. How sugar, eggs and flour can turn into cakes. How garlic and onion can turn into something so fragrant, so soft.
Before i knew it, i was falling in love with cooking, baking, and food. All I dream about is graduating from college as soon as possible and enrolled to Pastry School a.s.a.p! :)
With this blog, I aim to capture my adventure in the kitchen. I want to improve my skills, challenge myself and of course meeting all wonderful and talented food bloggers out there :D
It would be my pleasure to get to know you all. you can contact me at : andrasocmed(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)id
Comments and feedback are much, much appreciated!
Love, <3